parlor parlo(u)r n. 1.〔古、方〕起居室。 2.客厅;会客室;接待室。 3.〔美国〕养业室;办公室;摄影室;诊室,手术室;停尸场。 4.(旅馆等的)休息室。 a billiard parlor 弹子房。 a dental parlor 牙科诊室。 a beauty parlor 美容室。 an ice-cream parlor 冷饮店。 adj. 1.客厅的;适于客厅使用的。 2.只会空谈的。
funeral n. 1.葬礼;送丧行列 (= funeral procession); 追悼会。 2.〔比喻〕不愉快的事;操心的事,有关系的事。 a state funeral国葬。 attend a funeral参加丧礼。 adj. 葬礼的;出殡用的;出殡时的。 a funeral ceremony [service] 丧礼。 a funeral director 〔美国〕丧葬承办人。 a funeral march 丧礼进行曲。 a funeral oration 悼词。 a funeral procession [train] 送葬行列。 a funeral urn 骨灰瓮。 None of your funeral ! 那不是你的事(与你无关)。 That's your funeral . 那是你的事(与我无关)。
It had been a firm specializing in funeral parlors and parking lots . 它曾经是一个专门经营殡仪馆和停车场的公司。
Delivering people with affinity timely help miracle in a funeral parlor 明师渡化有缘人困境中的援手殡仪馆里显神迹
About a year ago in ningxia province, china, the mother of a sister initiate passed away . and although the mother was neither an initiate nor a vegetarian, something amazing occurred when the family took her body to the funeral parlor to prepare it for burial 大陆宁夏有一位师姊的母亲一年多前往生,虽然她的母亲没有印心,也没有吃素,但是当家人把她母亲的遗体送到殡仪馆时,却听到了一件很神奇的事。
Upon seeing the body of the sister s mother, a working staff member at the funeral parlor said, " yesterday, our whole family saw an old lady sitting on a five-colored lotus and circling our parlor seven or eight times before flying away . she looked exactly like this old lady ! 那时候殡仪馆的工作人员一看到她母亲的遗体,就说:昨天我们一家人都有看到一位老妇人坐在五彩的莲花上面,飞到殡仪馆来,她绕着殡仪馆飞了七八圈之后才飞走。
The reason of which lies in many aspects as systematical, governmental, conventional and epistemic etc . and the existing disadvantages are specified in : the lack of funeral facilities; the improper combination of the funeral parlor and cremation; the difficulties and disorder in the enforcement of the funeral law; the antiquated funeral customs; etc . therefore, keys to these problems should be such as : the reformation of current funeral administrative system; strengthening the enforcement of the funeral law; attracting more investments into the industry; cultivating and encouraging a more civilized funeral culture; and focusing more on the funeral consumption 湖南省殡葬改革水平居全国倒数第二位,其原因有体制方面的、有政府方面的、有认识方面的、有旧习俗方面的等。具体表现在:殡仪馆设施的缺口仍然相当大;现行“馆所合一”管理体制存在严重弊端;当前殡葬行政执法存在“难”和“乱”;四个“心结”折射出落后的殡葬文化;殡葬消费现状堪忧等等。因此,要改变湖南省殡葬改革现状,必须改革现行殡葬管理体制;强化殡葬管理行政执法;大力招商引资兴办殡葬事业;同时应当构筑科学文明的殡葬文化和关注殡葬消费。