
funeral parlor中文是什么意思

  • na. 殡仪馆
  • [网络] 殡仪舘;殡仪馆用地;停尸房



  • 例句与用法
  • It had been a firm specializing in funeral parlors and parking lots .
  • Delivering people with affinity timely help miracle in a funeral parlor
  • About a year ago in ningxia province, china, the mother of a sister initiate passed away . and although the mother was neither an initiate nor a vegetarian, something amazing occurred when the family took her body to the funeral parlor to prepare it for burial
  • Upon seeing the body of the sister s mother, a working staff member at the funeral parlor said, " yesterday, our whole family saw an old lady sitting on a five-colored lotus and circling our parlor seven or eight times before flying away . she looked exactly like this old lady !
  • The reason of which lies in many aspects as systematical, governmental, conventional and epistemic etc . and the existing disadvantages are specified in : the lack of funeral facilities; the improper combination of the funeral parlor and cremation; the difficulties and disorder in the enforcement of the funeral law; the antiquated funeral customs; etc . therefore, keys to these problems should be such as : the reformation of current funeral administrative system; strengthening the enforcement of the funeral law; attracting more investments into the industry; cultivating and encouraging a more civilized funeral culture; and focusing more on the funeral consumption
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